Monday, July 6, 2020

Use of Fenugreek Seeds for hair (Methi dana)

Use of Fenugreek Seeds for hair 

  • Fenugreek seeds are important for the growth of hair.
  • It can be used with Coconut Oil which gives strength to the hair
  • Soak these seeds overnight in a bowl then make paste of it and add 2-3 tablespoon of coconut oil in it.
  • Apply this mask all over your hair and leave it for 1 hour.
  • Do not forget to apply it on the scalps.
  • Methi dana (fenugreek seeds) gives best results when apply regularly for 3months.

Use of fenugreek seeds with Dahi (Curd)
  • Soak  4 tablespoons of methi dana in a bowl overnight.
  • make a smooth paste of it in the morning and add 2-3 tablespoon of dahi (curd) in it 
  • Apply this paste on  your hair and leave it for 1 hour.
  • This will give smoothness to your hair + make you hair silky 


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